The territory described is characterized by very low dependable water supply and very fence water balance. Water supply of objects of national economy is made at the expense of surface -and groundwaters. For water supply of population of working inhabited places, connected with oil extraction and railway servicing at sixties - beginning of seventies water lines: Guriev-Sagiz, Guriev-Astrakhan, Guriev-Makat-Koschagyl-Karaton have been constructed with water diversion from Ural. Groundwaters part in water consumption balance of village population of Atyrau province is equal to 45-48%
[Smolyar V.A., Burov B.V., Veselov V.V., et al. Water resources of Kazakhstan. (surface-and groundwaters, modern state). Reference book.-Almaty. NITs, “Gylym”, 2002, 596 pp. (in Russian)].
It can be increased in case of complete implementation of Taisoganski, Keregen-Sagizski deposits, and also of Suyunduk-Balkudukski part and construction of Tengizski and Keregen-Sagizski group water lines. Schematic of positioning of proved deposits of groundwaters is given on the Figure.
Groundwaters deposits arrangement chart
1- Deposits with affirmed resources of groundwaters as of the sum of categories A+B+C1+C2 (thousands of m3/day);
geological index of the age of water-holding rocks and number of deposit (1 – Urdinski, 2 - Aimekenski, 3 - Iskrovski, 4 - Taisoiganski, 5 - Miyalinski,
6 - Uilski, 7 - Keregen-Sagizski, 8 - Eibetinski, 9 - Oryskazgan,10- Tengizskoe, 11 - Balinski, 12 - Myngyrski, 13 - Mataikumski,
14 - Zhanasuski, 15 - Samski, 16 - Aksyn-Kalamkassky Area, 17 - Aktumsyk-Karazhanbassky Area, 18 - Ketykski, 19 - Saubet,
20 - Kyzylkumski, 21 - Northern-Aktauski, 22 - Ulanakski, 23 - Akmyshskoe, 24 - Kuyulusski, 25 - Backudukski, 26 - Sauskanski,
27 - Tyuesuski); 2- arbitrary outer boundary of coastal zone of Caspian sea in Near-lowland; 3 - investigations region
Groundwaters and energetic combine for marine water freshening are the basic sources of economical-potable water supply for Mangystau province. A considerable quantity of surface waters is delivered to water consumers through multikilometre water lines. Perspective need of populated places in potable water can be in part satisfied at the expense forecasted resources of fresh groundwaters from sandy massives and also at the expense of desalination of salty waters of Cretaceous deposits.
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