Water and ecological problem's related WEBsites

1. Project ECONET http://www.econet.unesco.kz

2. Water-related vision for the Aral sea basin for the year 2025http://www.aralvision.unesco.kz/main_e.htm

3. Portal of Knowledge for Water and Environmental Issues in Central Asia http://www.cawater-info.net/index_e.htm

4. The History of the Aral Sea http://orexca.com/aral_sea.shtml

5. State of Environment of the Aral Sea Basin. Regional report of the Central Asian States 2000http://enrin.grida.no/htmls/aralsoe/aralsea/index.htm

6. Agency of the International fund for saving the Aral Sea http://www.aral.uz/

7. The Aral Sea: Water, climate and environmental change in Central Asia (World Meteorological Organization) http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/drr/publications/drrPublications/0982_The_Aral_Sea/WMO982e.pdf

8. Serving the people of Central Asia http://www.ec-ifas.org/

9. Will we save Aral Sea? (in Russian) http://arbuz.uz/w_aral.html

10. Aral Sea problems and water resources (in Russian) http://www.uzbekistan.kg/aral.php

11. Aral Sea (Northern Virginia Community College) http://novaonline.nvcc.edu/eli/evans/HIS241/Notes/Geography/Aral.html

12. Central Asia: Aral Sea Problem (FPIF - Foreign policy in focus) http://www.fpif.org/reports/central_asia_aral_sea_problem

13. The water page – Aral Sea http://www.africanwater.org/aral.htm

14. Aral Sea. The Columbia Encyclopedia http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Aral_Sea.aspx

15. Aral Sea Catastrophe: Case for National, Regional and International Cooperation http://src-home.slav.hokudai.ac.jp/sympo/97summer/islamov.html

16. International Aral Sea rehabilitation fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan http://ifas.kz/

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