Water gathering area of Caspian sea is more than 3.1 mln. km2. There are forming at the basin the discharges of the rivers Volga, Ural, Terek, Sulak, Samur, Kura and other, more short rivers. Total discharge of them into the sea varies from 205-215 to 450-460 km3/year, or on the average, of the order of 300 km3/year. The most large rivers – Volga and Ural inflow into northern part of Caspian sea. Their total annual discharge is about 85%. River discharge distribution is mainly connected with unequal climatic conditions of Caspian water gathering area, in a different degree subjected to impact of various dynamic atmospheric centers [Sydykov Zh.S., Golubtsov V.V., Kuandykov B.M. Caspian sea and its coastal zone (natural conditions and ecological state). Almaty, 1995, 211 pp. (in Russian)], [Budyko M.I. Climate change. // Gidrometeoizdat, 1974, 280 pp. (in Russian)].
Watershed basin of Caspian sea
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