Atmospheric processes on Kazakhstanic part of the northern and eastern shore occur under influence of polar, tropical and arctic outbreaks of air masses. Winter is characterized by predominance of unstable weather with sharp oscillations of air temperature, and summer-by stable hot weather with breeze circulation on the shores [Hydrometeorology and hydrochemistry of seas. Vol. VI. Caspian sea. Issue.1// Sanct-Peterburg, 1992, 359 pp. (in Russian)], [Hydrometeorological conditions of the shelf zone of USSR’s seas. Vol. 2. Caspian sea. // Leningrad, 1986, 268 pp. (in Russian)].
Mean annual wind speeds change from 4 to 7 m/sec. Maximal ones during storm reach 30-32 m/sec. For long blowing wind causes migration of marine waters. With direction to the shore this causes surge phenomena, which depend of the strength and duration of the wind, depth and relief of coastal area and some other factors [Gershanski N.D. Peculiarities of surges oscillations of sea level on the lower part of Volga coastal waters. // Proceedings of GOIN, 1973, Issue 116, pp. 131-145 (in Russian)], [Materials of All-Union meeting as of the Caspian sea problem. Guryev, 1991, 93 pp. (in Russian)].
Sometimes with strong wind, height of a wave reaches 1-1.5 m. Considerable areas of Kazakhstanic shore are inundated in the result of this, which causes negative consequences for ecology and adversely affects the economy of Kazakhstan.
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