
Climate of Southern Pribalkhashye is sharply continental, arid. There are characteristic for the territory in question big daily and annual oscillations of air temperature. Cold winter with little show and sultry dry summer are characteristic for this territory. As the most cold month here is January. Mean air temperature in this period is minus 12 - minus 15°C with mean absolute minimum of minus 30°C. As the most sultry month is July with mean temperatures plus 22 - plus 25°C under mean absolute maximum – plus 45°C [Akhmedsafin U.M., Dzhabasov M.Kh., Sydykov Zh.S., et al. Groundwaters of Southern Pribalkhashye. Alma-Ata: Nauka, 1980. 128 pp.(in Russian)]. Mean annual air temperature is positive. Mean multi-annual quantity of atmospheric precipitation does not surpass 100-130 mm/year on the north and north-west and 300-480 mm/year on south-east.

Map of atmospheric precipitations and basic direction of the wind

on the territory of Southern-Pribalkhashski artesian basin
(as of materials of Akhmedsafin U.M., Dzhabasov M.Kh., Oshlakov G.G., Jablochkina N.E.)
1 – isolines of mean annual atmospheric precipitations; 2 – hydrometric stations; 3 – boundary of artesian basin through water divide; 4 - just the same through Paleozoic framing; 5 - area of artesian basin; 6 - wind rose

Precipitations of the warm time of the year on the plain are almost completely spent for evaporation. The most big monthly amount of precipitations falls onto spring months – April-May and the most small- onto February and August -September.

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