Region of investigations is confined to the large dischargeless Southern-Pribalkhashski depression, which stretches from the southern shore of the lake Balkhash up to ridge Malaisary and from Chu-Ileiski mountains up to the arm of Dzhungarski Alatau. The greater part of the Southern Pribalkhashye is occupied by hummocky-ridged plains. Total surface slope – from South to North, into the side of the lake Balkhash. Absolute marks of surface change from 800 m in piedmont up to 340-360 m near the lake Balkhash. Around circumference of depression, along northern and north-western arms of Dzhungarski Alatau and north-eastern slopes of Chu-Ileiski mountains wide bands of trains of detrital cones, cut by the large quantity of river valleys. As relief lowering, detrital cones trains transfer into lightly inclined alluvial-lacustrine plains with hummocky – ridged eolic sands. As the most large of them are sandy massives: Saryesik-Atyrau, Moiynkum, Taukum, Lyukkum etc. Along the southern shore of the lake Balkhash narrow band of takyr and solonchak plain is stretched.
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