Surface discharge into lakes Balkhash and Alakol

Balkhash-Alakolski water-economical basin

In mean as of water content year total discharge of surface waters into lakes Balkhash and Alakol is 27.76 km3, among them 11.5 km3 comes from the side of China. About 86% of discharge of surface waters is forming at the basin of lake Balkhash, and 17.7 km3/year falls on the basin of the river Ile. In low-water years, which are repeated once per 20 year, total discharge of surface water of Balkhash-Alakol basin lowers up to 17.8 km3/year, that of Ile river basin – up to 12.3 km3/year [Smolyar V.A., Burov B.V., Veselov V.V. et al., 2002].

As of the area, surface waters of Balkhash-Alakol water-economical basin are distributed extremely unequal. Ile river basin is provided with surface resources most of all, in considerably lesser degree – basin of the rivers of Eastern Balkhash and rivers of the basins of the lakes Alakol and Sasykkol. Basins of the rivers of Shu-Ileiski mountains and Balkhash-Irtysh watershed divide are extremely limited in surface waters resources.

Water resources of the rivers are mainly used for irrigation, and also for water supply and electric energy production.

There are situated on the territory of water-economical basin a series of water reservoirs which are basically designated for increase of irrigation ability of water sources. For water supply are used shallow water reservoirs situated at the zone of the Big Almaty Channel. As the most large is Kapchagai water reservoir, constructed on river Ile in 1970. It is used for energetic, irrigational and recreational purposes.

Non-productive expenditures of discharge at the basin of the lakes Balkhash, Alakol and Sasykkol are of the order of 15.7 km3. They are built up from discharge losses for evaporation and filtration out of water reservoirs, and also from drawdowns. The main inflow into Balkhash lake falls on the part of Ile river.

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