Schematic hydrogeological profile by the line VII-VII
Aquifers and aquiferous complexes of depositions: 1 - Quaternary; 2 - Upper-Pliocenic - Lower-Quaternary depositions; 3 – Senonian; 4 - Upper-Turon; 5 - Upper-Turon-Senonian; 6 - Senomanic; 7 - Albian; 8 - Aptian; 9 – Neocomian; 10 - Jurassic. Water-resistant depositions: 11 - Middle-Eocenic; 12 - Lower-Turon; 13 - surface of Paleozoic sole. Piezometric level of aquifers: 14 - Upper-Turon-Senonian, 15 - Upper-Albian-Senomanic. Boundaries of aquifers and aquiferous complexes: 16 - found out, 17 – supposed; 18 - tectonic breaks. Lithological composi-tion of rocks: 19 - for the most part - sands; 20 - clays; 21 – sandstones; 22 - sand-clay depositions; Hydrogeological well: 23 - on the line of section, 24 - projected onto the line of section. Numerals: on top - number, from left - water mineralization, g/l, water temperature-centigrades; from right - debit, l/sec, depression, m; at bottom - depth of well, m. Arrow corresponds with groundwaters head, number near arrow - absolute mark of piezometric level of water, m; 25 - geological well. Numerals: on top - number, at bottom - depth, m.