Schematic hydrogeological profile by the line VI-VI

Water-bearing horizons and complexes of depositions: 1 - Quarternary; 2 - Upper Pliocene - Lower Quarternary; 3 - Upper-Turon Senonian; 4 - Upper- Albiam-Cenomanian; 5 - Lower-Middle-Albian, Aptian; 6 - Neocomian; 7 - Jurassic. Water confiing bed depositions: 8 - Eocenic; 9 - Lower-Turon; 10 - Lower- Middle- Albian. 11 - groundwaters of the zone of opened fracturing of Paleozoic rocks. Lithological composition of rocks: 12 - mostly sand; 13 - clays; 14 - aleurolites, argillites with intercallations of clays. Boundaries of horizons and complexes: 15 - established, 16 - supposed. 17 - hydrogeological bore hole. Numbers: above - digits; from left - water mineralization, g/l; water temperature, c; from right - output, l/sec depression; below - depth of bore hole, m; Arrow corresponds to head of groundwaters, digit near arrow - absolute sign of piezometric level, m. 18 - geological bore hole. Digits: above -number, below - depth, m.