Groundwaters in Priaralye are practically developed in all lithological-genetical complexes, beginning from Paleozoic and terminating with modern Quarternary depositions. Results of simulation executed have confirmed the possibility of their extraction in amounts, approved by the State commission for resources. This completely covers the current and perspective needs of the region in economic potable waters. On the Kazakhstanic part of this territory the problem of provision of population with quality potable water stays as the most pressing in Kyzyl-Orda province. As for data of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources the exploitational resources of groundwaters surveyed for the utilization on the territory of Kyzylorda province are estimated in 1372.5 thousand cubic m/day including for the economic potable water supply - 1060.8 thousand cubic m/day. From them resources of groundwaters of Cretaceous complex - 680.6 thousand cubic m/day ( as of state on 1.1.97). Total water intake of groundwaters for the province is equal to about 500 thousand cubic m/day, and from them 150 thousand cubic m/day are accounted for ownerless self-flowing bore holes. Thus only 350 thousand cubic m/day are used in national economy mainly for economic potable purposes. Demanded necessity of the province in potable water is of the order of 531.8 thousand of cubic m/day. Comparison of data given above allows to conclude that this necessity can be satisfied completely at the expense of groundwaters utilization. At the same time it cannot but take into consideration that intensive economic implementation of Priaralye during last 20-25 years have extremely negatively effect on the state of environment in whole and that of ground hydrosphere, as its component. Shallow occurring ground waters have became as the most vulnerable.

Influence of technogenic processes onto the state of head waters of Upper-Creta-ceous horizons has reflected in lesser degree. Therefore their utilization for the solution of the problem of water supply of population in Priaralye seems substantiated enough. The complex is in the least degree subjected to technogenic pollution, has practically universal distribution and satisfactory quality of waters confined to it. Now basic users of water on the territory of Kyzyl-Orda province are four cities - Kzyl-Orda, Baikonur, Aralsk, and Kazalinsk, and eight settlements- Novokazalinsk, Kazalinsk, Zhosaly, Zholatash,Terenozek,Tasbuget, Shiili, and Zhanakorgan and more than 380 small agricultural settlements. Total number of population in the province is about 665 thousand peoples. From them in agricultural settlements live 232.8 thousand peoples. Water supply of large cities already today in part is made at the expense of groundwaters of prospected deposit( Kzylordinski, Tolagaiski, Teren-ozekski, Baikhozhinski, Levoberezhnje, Chiiliski, Shalkiya, through collective water pipes.

The fourth part of detailed map (19.1 KB) The third part of detailed map (9.63 KB) The second part of detailed map (12.6 KB) The first part of detailed map (19.1 KB)

The plan of the water-supply conditions of inhabited localities by ground waters of perspective Upper Cretaceous sediments

I. Deposits (parts) of ground waters: explored for the economic-potable water-supply of inhabited localities: 1 - under operating (on the left of sign-index of geological age of the water-bearing rocks; on the right of: in numerator - approved operating reserves on categories A+B+C1; in denominator - actual water-selection, ths. cubic metres/day; 2 - non-operating.

II. Areas of ground water distribution of Upper Cretaceous sediments with different a) mineralization, g/cubic dm: 3 - to 1.5, 4 - 1.5-3, 5 - 3-5, 6 - more than 15. b) depth of elevation of water-bearing complex.
III. The lines of main water-pipes and their distribution networks: 8 - constructed as of 01.09.94; 9 - intented for construction to 2000; 10 - settlement provided by economic-potable water; 11 - settlement partly provided by economic-potable water; 12 - settlement with linking up to group of the agricultural water-supply of province; 13 - settlement which linking up to group water-pipes was not provided by plan of development of the agricultural water-supply of province.
IV. Zones of the ecological disaster of the Priaralye: established by "The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Social Defence" dated 30.06.92 N1968 A-XII 14 - zones of the ecological catastrophe (Aral and Kazalinsk regions): 15 - zones of the ecological crisis (the rest regions of the Kzylorda province)
V. Additional signs 16 - outcrop of the Paleozoic sediments; 17 - line of the schematic hydrogeological section, borehole on the section and its number. 18 - coastal line of the Aral Sea as of: a)1960 y., b) 1990 y. 19 - drained part of the Aral Sea Boundaries. 20 - state, 21 - administrative province, 22 - administrative region, 23 - center of province, other cities 24 center of regions

About 250 settlements are using for potable purposes groundwaters from the single bore holes and wells, water of which often has quality which does not correspond to GOST "Potable water " More than 50 settlements had to bring in water. For the other agricultural settlements the problem of potable water supply stands yet more sharply. As early as in 1991 Institute "Kazgiprovodkhoz" has offered the "Scheme of development of agricultural water supply of Kzylorda province", containing a series of alternating variants including centralized, non-centralized(local) water supply with use of and without use of freshening equipment etc. Later in 1996 "Program in radical improvement of conditions of economic potable water supply of agricultural settlements of Kzylorda province" has been developed by the specialists of Ministry of geology and protection of the interior of the earth of RK. In it the authors have offered economically more profitable now variant, foreseeing centralized water supply of only large users, i.e.cities and large settlements at the expense of exploitation of prospected deposits of groundwaters by graduation of construction of collective water ducts - Aral-Syrdaryinski and pravoberezhny Kyzylordinski. For water supply of the remaining settlements -organization of local water intakes, equipped with freshening equipment for exploitation of weakly-mimeralized water of Upper-Turon-Senonian complex just near the users. The last "Program …" evokes large practical interest because it is intended for considerably lesser financial expenditures. Thus it is clear that improvement of water supply of the population of Priaralye at the expense of more complete use of groundwaters is quite possible. At the same time it is necessary to note that concrete ways of realization of this project need in additional working out.

Conclusions and recommendations

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